
Verkstadsböcker - USB

Containing material and documents officially licensed by Volvo, on OTP UBS-stick is a fantastic tool for anyone working on or owning a vintage Volvo.

All UBS´s contain Volvo original spare parts catalogs, repair manuals as well as original service informtion. Languages supported in full are Swedish, English, German, French and Spnnish. In addition, there are certain chapters in Dutch and Italian.

All products require installation of Locklizard PDC viewer (free download) and are available in two different vesions:

Singel-user mode:
This version comes with a licens/activation code. Once activated, you can use the product on the device used for installation.
Compatible with Windows, Android, Mac OS and iOS.

Multi-user mode:
This version comes with the license incloded on the UBS, and it allows you to use the product on multiple devices. The only requirement is that the viewer software is installed.

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