Bränslerör 5/16
Bränslerör 5/16

Bränslerör 5/16" stål 5,45 m

Artnr: CT-C5
In stock
$ 45
  • Information
  • Produktinformation

    Steel O.E. 5/16" x 0,28" tjockleck, rulle på 25 fot.
    Leverantörens text.
    "Original equipment (O.E.) is steel tubing, that is cold-rolled, low-carbon continously welded.
    It's protected from the elements by Galfan galvanazing and a topcoat of aluminium rich epoxy".

    Denna artikel ersätter artikelnummer 941354, 954305, 954305M
    =ID60 i EU shopen / Enhet: 1
  • Rekomendationer
    • Set består av